Full range of Hand, power and measuring tools
- harare cbd
Full range of tools available in store Hand tools...
Power tools for hire
- harare south
Power tools for hire at affordable daily rates: 1...
Power tools for hire
- harare south
Jumping jack, plate compactor, concrete vibrator f...
37.5KVA 30KW Diesel Generator
- harare south
Frequency: 50Hz Voltage: 400 Current: 54A Phase...
Spray paint compressor and gun
- harare north
Up for sale is Earlex portable Spray paint compre...
Proffessional CNC router machine consumables
- harare north
A wide variety of professional CNC router bits ran...
Power Trowel "Powered By Husqvarna"
- harare east
A power trowel consists of one or multiple rotatin...
Plate Compactor C90 "Powered By Husqvarna"
- harare east
Plate compactors work with a heavy plate on the bo...